Connecting high performing talent



Career Coaching

Are you planning on a career move?

Competition is fierce in today’s job market so it's critical you differentiate yourself and stand out from the crowd if you want to get ahead in your career.

Candidates benefit from our tailored sessions which we can support via face to face, phone or virtual meetings in the following ways: 

  • Answering difficult questions

  • Confidence and Resilience

  • Managing nerves

  • Market yourself with clarity and impact

  • Presentations skills

  • Preparation

  • First impressions

  • Negotiations skills

  • Achieving your goals

  • Professional image

  • Motivating people


Resume Tips

Do you want to impress top employers and get hired?

  • Changing industry

  • Setting the scene

  • Profiles

  • Value propositions


Networks and Associations

Identify workplace networks and how to use them to build relationships

Using networks and joining associations will help you keep up to date with changes in industry and will get you invited to a number of events. We can provide you with some relevant and up to date industry contacts: 

  • Accessing networks

  • Using Grapevine Talent's referrals

  • Latest research

  • Industry updates

  • Calendar of events